Thursday, May 22, 2008

Another wasted night

I'm pretty glad i can wake up at 11:30 without an alarm clock anymore. It gets me up early, for me, and I can try to get things done before i go to work in the evening. It's pretty dece.
Last night was another night filled with fireworks, photo shoots, drinking, drugs, loud music, and complete mania. I feel like this blog is turning into an endless series of stories about Chase, haha. I haven't seen that dude in awhile, since i've been on tour, and he's been out of town, or i've been so busy with work.Plus hanging out with him always turns into something interesting. After bartending happy hour, and making no money thanks to the non tipping dudes playing pool. As much as i did appreciate the fact that they had a lot to tell me about how the record industry works, even though they knew absolutely nothing about it, i coulda used a couple bucks for the drinks i served you. The attitude was kinda unnecessary, as well. Being a condescending prick to someone in the service industry never gets you anywhere broseph.
I wound up hanging out for awhile with megan at the bar, trying to make sure chase didn't do anything completely ridiculous like the night before.  he was well behaved, minus throwing the cue ball from the pool table around the room. He lit off one firework in the bar, too, which was surprising, considering that he had somehow come into a big bag of new ones. Either way, it made my life slightly easier. It could also have been the alcohol keeping me less aggravated.
I think some friends are coming into town this weekend. That makes me happy. I'm hoping i can get one of my shifts covered, so i can have a weekend night off for a change. Unfortunately, i doubt it will happen. Hopefully Jess gets here early, and we can go out to eat or something before i go to work tonight.

Soundtrack for the day: The Nice Boys, The Vicious, The Misfits

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